Essay On James Chadwick

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"The possibility that neutral particles might exist was not lost sight of. I, myself made several attempts to detect them" Said James Chadwick. He said this quote as he was in the middle of a major scientific breakthrough. James Chadwick is a famous chemist. I chose James because he had a major scientific breakthrough in 1932, he discovered the Neutron which was also his contribution to science. James lived in Cheshire, England with his mother and father. He had a lot of accomplishments such as winning the Nobel Prize in 1945. James had a very good life, he married Aileen Stewart-Brown and had two kids.
James Chadwick was born on October 20th in the year 1891. James lived in Cheshire, England. He was the eldest son of Annie Knowles and John Chadwick. John Chadwick was a laundry manager. James had three siblings, two younger brothers and a little sister. But sadly his little sister died when she was born and the second eldest son died in his later life. His other brother had a small business in Manchester. When James was a little boy he used to climb trees in his backyard. When he wa...

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