Essay On Islamophobia

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Have you ever felt like you are unwanted or not accepted by an individual? For many people, the feeling of not being accepted, is a very hard thing to swallow. Now imagine if it was not one person who did not want you or accept you but instead, millions. This is what American Muslims are faced with here in the United States. Islamophobia is becoming a big social problem here in the United States. Islamophobia in its simplest definition according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is “prejudice against Muslims.” Many Americans are in fear that muslims as a majority are terrorists and are seeking to destroy the west. In the recent election we have definitely seen an attack against the muslims living in the United States. This attack that I am speaking is not necessarily an attack in physical violence, but instead a social movement that is demonstrating that muslims here in the United States are not accepted. We have not only seen it here in the United States, but around the world. Many countries are closing borders to Syrian refugees because of fear that it will bring violence and terrorism to their country. The reason I chose to speak about Islamophobia in the United States is because, I myself am a Muslim, which allows me to closely relate to the occurrence of this social problem. As a Bosnian muslim I am able to escape …show more content…

Louis, Chicago, New York City, Atlanta, and Jacksonville (Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, n.d) (p223). As you can see an influx of Muslims is not necessarily a bad thing. As a Bosnian Muslim here in Saint Louis the only times I have seen prejudice towards us when we started succeeding and becoming more successful. I have seen many occasions where I have had facebook friends complain about Bosnian’s when they see us living a good lifestyle (cars, house,

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