Essay On Honduras

777 Words2 Pages

Major Issues in Honduras

“Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts…perhaps the fear of a loss of power.” Many countries

in the entire world have been plagued with this reality, one of them being Honduras.

Honduras has been truncated from its prosperity for many years by its own demagogue

government. Honduran Government falsely proclaims to support its citizens to gain power and

be financially assisted. Its warped, right-wing (conservative) Christian Organization leadership

has only led to the present deceptive administration, poverty, and insecurity.

According to The Telegraph, Honduras is known as the “most dangerous country”, one of the

major issues occurring while governed by a deceptive administration. Unfortunately, it …show more content…

Children are also

affected by this. According to National Institution of Statistics, "368,000 of the 1.7 million

children ages five to twelve did not receive school this year, because in many cases, some either

could not afford to go or were forced to quit school to help support their families." Insecurity is the most crucial issue in the country. Due to the lack of money, this generates an

underworld where certain gangs take the power to create fear in the communities. The Mara

Salvatrucha as many others, benefit from the weakness of the government to create anarchy.

This anarchy has been the main factor in many cases of death discussed in the news. Like the

death of an activist called Berta Carceres, written in the New York Times. Berta was a longtime

campaigner against illegal logging operations (hydroelectric project) who was threatened

multiple times. Sadly, she was recently found dead in her residence in Las Esperanza, Honduras.

The neighbors alleged that they saw an unknown man entering her residence the day of the

incident. "I have no doubt that she has been killed because of her struggle, and that soldiers

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