Essay On Homosexuality In Africa

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In Africa, the act of homophobia is supported by a vast number of Presidents. There has been an increase in the protests against people who are involved in these same-sex relations in Africa because it is viewed as a taboo that could ruin family values. Political leaders have strongly stood against homosexuality because they view it as un-African and something that could harm the traditions of Africa (Msibi, 2011:56). But by saying that homosexuality is un-African, is to support an act that is aimed at hiding the truth about homosexuality behind the deception and the use of male authoritative figures. The term homosexual is a term that does not originate from Africa. It is a Western term. This term controlled relations on a social scale in the west and also gave a label to those people who were involved in same-sex relations. Being known as a gay or homosexual person allowed people to feel a sense of collective identity. It made people involved in same-sex relationships feel like they had their own communities and gave them a sense of belonging.
In many African countries, same-sex relationships are not be made public. Being involved in such a relationship may lead one to being discriminated against or even executed. In most African countries, it has been made illegal and it is a punishable offence to be involved in same-sex relations. In Malawi, two men were sentenced to fourteen years in prison for publicly celebrating their engagement, due to widespread uprising from the Western world, they were granted amnesty on humanitarian grounds (Msibi, 2009: 58). The worst case so far has been in Uganda, where an anti- homosexuality bill has been proposed and recently put into action. This bill states that homosexuality is an offense tha...

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...ny wives to secure their autonomy. There seemed to be a clear separation between sex and gender: the women could be males and vice versa (Msibi, 2009:65). The women that were strong economically could take on many wives to assert their power.
This then leads to the conclusion that same-sex relations are not new to the African continent. This then ultimately shatters the thinking that Africans were heterosexual before the Europeans came to the country. The only thing that is new and un-African is the identification and labelling of the act. Forming an identity around being a homosexual is the un-African thing that is being referred to by the many politicians and religious leaders. The desire to be involved with someone of the same-sex sexually is not a problem brought about by Europeans because evidently, it has been around Africa for centuries before colonization.

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