Essay On Health Priority Issues

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Year 12 PDHPE Health Priorities (Task One) By Amelia Johnston
Part A: Priority Issue Health Profile
Health priority issues are identified as health issues that have an effect on the overall health of Australia as they are a great concern to Governments and support organisations, which can create a national burden of health on the economy. Mental Health Problems and Illnesses, is a major health priority issue in Australia as it is widely found nationally within the current Australian population, due to the multiple types (depression, schizophrenia, personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, dementia and anxiety) and varying impacts. These have an effect on the overall health within the Australian population and is a burden of health …show more content…

Many health problems and illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder and or anxiety is mainly preventable and or treatable, creating a positive outcome for the individuals. However, the survey by SMHWB in 2007 (aged between sixteen to eighty-five years) estimated “Nearly two-thirds (65%) of people identified by the survey as having symptoms of a mental disorder in the past 12 months did not use a service for mental health problems.” This statistic is negative as there are a large trend of people not using health services relating to the priority issue of mental health and is therefore damaging the health on the economy. The trend could be because of geographic location making it hard to access the services, education level impacting on their knowledge of health, individual attitudes towards health that could reflect their own family background, socioeconomic status and or sociocultural values. These all are a factor that can impact on the overall health of Australia, making mental health issues and problems a priority

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