Essay On Hawaii

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The states I will be talking about is Hawaii.Hawaii is located on the west region of the united states. The bordering states of Hawaii are Alaska, California, Oregon, and Washington. The area of Hawaii is 10,931 mi. In Hawaii there are only really two season winter from May to October and summer from November to April. Hawaii has a sophisticated landform it has mountain valleys, volcanoes craters, deep canyons, and waterfalls. Some important rivers in Hawaii kalopa gulch, kaula gulch, olokele river, wailua river, and Wailuku river. Natural resources Hawaii produces are vegetation, groundwater, surrounding ocean, and because of the mild climate crop season never ends. The most abundant materials are Stone, Summit, and sand gravel. Some of Hawaii's most valuable crops are sugar canes and pineapples. Hawaii also produces large quantities of flowers coffee, macadamia nuts, avocados, bananas, guavas, papayas, tomatoes and other fruits are grown. Vegetables grown for locals include beans, corn, lettuce, potatoes, and Tarot. There are many types of animals in Hawaii like the Hawaiian monk seal, northern elephant seal, the Hawaiian hoary bat, the Indian Mongoose, and the …show more content…

Some of Hawaii's nicknames are islands of Aloha, Paradise comma and Aloha state. Hawaii's state flower is a yellow hibiscus it has five-figure Petals in the center it reddish purplish and it's has a stick in the middle that's long and has pollen at the end. Hawaii state flag has eight stripes of white, red, and blue that represent the eight main Islands. The flags have Great Britain's flag in dazzled in the front upper left corner to honor the Hawaiians friendship with the British. Some interesting facts about Hawaii is it's the only state of the US that grows coffee, and it's made up of eight main islands Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, and

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