Essay On Hamlet Delay

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Hamlet What is perceived, as Hamlet's delay in avenging his father has been some thing that has been under scrutiny for a long time. Especially in the last two hundred years there has been a lot of thought that has been given to the topic but the first person to raise the issue and in an indirect manner was Shakespeare. He was the person who assigned Hamlet lines in which he unbraids himself for not having yet acted. There have been a number of thematic contributions the idea of delay makes to the play and many believe that it is that delay which is the lifeblood of the play. Had it not been there the play would never have been such a marvel. It was anything but Hamlet’s ability to come to a decision because he was not someone who was indecisive about anything. He may have had problems in his youth and he was a bit slow and cautious but that is not to suggest that he was afraid or a bad decision maker as it could be seen when he said, “What an ass am I!” (II, iii, 125-129) People and the readers alike expect or at least expected that Hamlet should have went for the revenge right awa...

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