Essay On Guinea Pigs

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A wise author once said, “Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.” This is incredibly true for service animals, who help people with mental disorders. Animals are trained to help people with certain disabilities to have less trouble functioning throughout their everyday lives. Service animals help the world a great deal. Guinea pigs help kids with autism spectrum disorder to show more positive social behavior. Recent studies have found that animals are a great way to help children who have autism. In the article Hess discusses research conducted by Queensland University. Researchers found,” When the autistic children interacted with the guinea pigs, they engaged 55% more social behaviors than when they interacted with toys,”(Hess, …show more content…

Studies have found that pigs are much like dogs when it comes to helping children. They are cleaner than most dogs, and they don’t shed. Also these types of pigs are usually very good with children. Children don’t have preconceptions against pigs like they do dogs, which makes them less afraid of them. Researchers have found, “...the pigs gentle nature also comes in handy when he encounters students with aggressive tendencies that would probably make a dog turn around and attack,”(Unknown, 2017).Children with disabilities often feel like outsiders. They don’t fit in with other kids because they are different. Also they can, at times, be aggressive when not meaning to be. Researchers have found that just by being with potbelly pigs they function better, and the pigs not attacking them makes them much safer. So while most kids wouldn’t have this same reaction towards pigs, children with disabilities count on them and feel safe while being with them. The safer you feel the better you will do, especially under pressure. This is important because all children should be safe and comfortable on a daily basis. Schools could use this information and have children with disabilities have a service pig in their classrooms. In conclusion potbelly pigs help children with

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