Essay On Graffiti

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. “Graffiti is an art form. Just like drawing, dancing or singing. It is an art form that dates back to cave paintings, writing and drawing on walls” (Stowers 1). The whole idea of graffiti may seem a little off, to someone who didn’t grow up in the “big city,” however graffiti isn’t about gangs and the underground. It’s quite the opposite; graffiti was meant as a way to say we’re here to stay. Graffiti is not a crime; it’s more like a conformation. Graffiti is made by people who are focused on making statements and sending a message. The act of graffiti or spraycan art should be thought of as a crime but as an art form. I mean it’s been around as long as civilization has existed, so it shouldn’t a form of crime.
The earliest forms of graffiti were in the cave painting and many centuries later graffito in ancient Grecian and Roman cities most notably Athens and Pompeii, respectively. Where it was used the same way it is today, to send messages; be they political, social or for a business. Around this time the phrases “the writing on the wall” and “whitewash” were developed.
Many people hear the word “graffiti” think of gangs and the violence that results when gang’s territories begin to overlap. A lot of what they think is “graffiti” is nothing more than a few doodles that are put there to represent a gang or a group of random kids trying to make a name for themselves. Graffiti as an art form got it’s start in the late 1960's, and it has been evolving ever since. However, it is not widely recognized as being fine art, like those works that are found in a gallery or a museum. It is not exactly denied the status of genuine art because of a lack of form or other base artistic elements. Most of the time when people think of graffit...

... middle of paper ... have a chance to paint on a 25ft by 50ft canvas. That is in and of itself one of many reasons why graffiti art is so striking; the sheer sizes of the works are almost unbelievable.
All things considered graffiti should be both respected by the law and recognized as an art form by the art comunitee. Graffiti and the artists shouldn’t be forced to hide. Any artist should not feel the need to cover up their creations. They should be able to stand proud as they unveil their brand new piece to the public. The street artists are not the criminals, they simply found a way to express themselves, their ideas, send a message and be heard. Though there are many steps and hurdles that would need to be handled for graffiti to become a legal and recognized. But I believe all these steps would be necessary to make sure that the community welcomes and respects the new art form.

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