Essay On Gattaca Movie

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Gattaca Film Review - Caesar Goh Gattaca is a science fiction film written and directed by Andrew Niccol. Produced in 1997, it could be considered one of the most interesting films that I have seen, that doesn’t require the use of flashy visual effects and CG animation that other sci-fi films exploit such as Star Wars or Star Trek. Sure, the movie’s pacing may be slow. Sure, some characters acted poorly. Despite this though, I believe that the structure and the plot was the main winner of this film. The film is set in future where genetic manipulation is commonly used when children are conceived to inherit the best possible genes of either parents. In this society social class is solely determined by genetic quality; people conceived through genetic modification being called ‘valids’, while ‘invalids’ being people conceived naturally. The story follows Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke), an ‘invalid’ born without genetic modification. He is diagnosed with a high probability of heart disorder and has an estimated lifespan of about 30.2 year as a result. Ever since a child he has dreamt of a career in space travel, but due to his condition it …show more content…

I believe this was the director’s intention as to further bolster the suspensefulness that the film already holds. It also allows the audience time to think and process information that the film produces, as the speech patterns and vocabulary used by the actors are somewhat uncommon in the everyday world. However, I believe the pace is somewhat excessively slow, and may deter people from watching it. The introduction is ridiculously slow, and while introducing characters and covering their past is important, they could have done a better job as to separate the flashbacks over the course of the first half of the move, as to not put people to sleep at the very beginning of the

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