Essay On Fort Sumter

551 Words2 Pages

Fort Sumter Research

What was Fort Sumter?
Fort Sumter was mainly used to guard the Charleston Harbor.

Where is Fort Sumter?
Fort Sumter is an island in South Carolina that is not very far away from Charleston.

Who were the leaders of this battle?
The main Union commander was Major Robert Anderson. After the fall of Fort Sumter he was promoted to Brigadier General. He was formerly a slave owner but now loyal to the Union.
The leader of the Confederacy was General P. T. Beauregard. He was a student of Major Anderson's at the army school of West Point.

What lead up to Fort Sumter?
After Abraham Lincoln was elected, the state of South Carolina announced that it was going to secede from the Union in December 1860. Declaring itself independent of the United States, the state government demanded that federal troops leave.
The administration of the president, James Buchanan, ordered Major Robert Anderson, to go to Charleston in late November 1860 and command the small outpost of federal troops guarding the harbor.
Major Anderson realized that he and his troops could be easily overrun ...

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