Essay On Femicide In Guatemala

609 Words2 Pages


Femicide is considered a crime against humanity and is the mass murder of women. Guatemala is one of the countries with the highest number of murders in Central America.
The high rate of violent deaths in women has led to the international community; through different ways and means to require the authorities to take preventive and corrective measures about it.
An overwhelming number of murders of women have not been clarified or resolved in our country, so that these offenses remain in impunity. Impunity of femicide in Guatemala is due to:
1) lack of access to justice, 2) the weakness of the criminal investigation, and 3) the low rate of effective sanction against the masterminds and perpetrators.

In 2010, the Judicial Organism registered 15 thousand 375 complaints of violence against women , of which 218 reached a judgment , also opened 278 files on economic violence , but only managed two judgments . This represents 1.47 percent of complaints.
At the same time, the authorities recorded 695 violent deaths of women in 2010, three thousand more occurred bet...

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