Essay On Faulkner's Use Of Setting In Arose For Emily

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William Faulkner's use of setting and description foreshadows and builds up to the view of the story “Arose for Emily”. Faulkner uses symbols that will prepares the reader for the touching ending. A great way to keep the readers on their toes. Make them think before the story state what will happen next. Death and being lost is the main theme of the story. Everything in the story can be seen as a symbol of death from the house to the rose at the end of the story. Death and flash back is what can be seen clearly in this story. She couldn’t let go of her past and tried to hang on to it throughout the story. Faulkner has carefully created a complicated work of art, also he uses setting, description, and theme to move it along. The setting in …show more content…

The house is placed in what was once a good neighborhood that has now worsened. Miss Emily's big farm house that used to be white that is decorated with balconies and big chimney with high sealing castell like. Now looked old surrounded by gasoline pumps. Time has taken a related role with Miss Emily changing her appearance a slim lady with white to a fat women with black. The setting of Faulkner's story describes Miss Emily's fitted grasp of ante-bellum ways and unchanging manner. Through her refusal to change anything in the house starting by her refusal of putting metal numbers on her house door she is refusing to change with society. Miss Emily's attitude to change is revealed in an image of her house was old and damaged. “Emily apparently refuses to accept the passing of time or change in any sense” (Hans H. Skei). While the outside of her house reflects her physical decay the inside of the house allows the reader a think about into her mental and emotional state. Although, the outside may still be somewhat beautiful and leading with its classic construction, the inside of the house smelling of dust and some other bad smells. With old

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