Introduction: This report is to discuss an experiment to assess the sensory and motor functions of the facial nerve in humans. The facial nerve is one of twelve cranial nerves that innervates the head and neck. These nerves serve a variety of functions, both sensory and motor, and are responsible for moving the muscles in the face, head and neck, and receiving information the brain can interpret into all five sense. Appendix A outlines each cranial nerve, it’s sensory and/or motor function, and the foramen in the bones of the skull it passes through.
The facial nerve fibers originate from the pons, lateral to the abducens nerves (Marieb & Hoehn). Branches enter the temporal bone through the internal acoustic meatus; they run through the inner ear cavity with the bone before they emerge through the stylomastoid foramen (Marieb & Hoehn). The facial nerve is the motor nerve to all of the muscles of expression in the face; it is distributed by multiple branches as it innervates various facial muscles including: the platysma, buccinator, the muscles of the external ear, the digastric, and the stylohyoid (Gray, 1995). Parasympathetic fibers of the facial nerve innervate the the lacrimal glands of the eyes, nasal and palatine glands, and the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands (Marieb & Hoehn).
The facial nerve consists of mixed nerves with associated parasympathetic fibers (Marieb & Hoehn). It conveys motor impulses to skeletal muscles of the face: the muscles of facial expression (Marieb & Hoehn). It transmits parasympathetic motor impulses to the lacrimal glands for tear production, nasal and palatine glands for smell and mucous production, and submandibular and sublingual salivary glands to produce saliva (Mar...
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...lution tasted as compared with pervious testing due to no prior documentation. This test also did not consider the amount of time it took for R2 to taste the solutions. Furthermore, this experiment does not test injury or defect in the brain that may effect the functioning of the facial nerve, but not actually be an issue with the nerve itself. While the hypothesis was substantiated for both subjects, more long term assessment or re-testing is necessary to assuredly confirm both R1 and R2 have in tact facial nerve functioning.
Conclusion: While the data collected suggests both R1 and R2 have appropriate function of their facial nerves, it is impossible to confirm without uncertainty due to the limited scope of this experiment. Further and more long term testing will be necessary to unquestionably verify both R1 and R2 have no facial nerve damage or deficit.
Purpose- To identify the functions of the cranial nerve of the peripheral nervous system such as the olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, and the hypoglossal nerves. I will examine these functions with a series of behavior tests on my partner who is Jazmine Cooley to see if all nerves are functioning properly and if they are not, then this will be considered an identified dysfunction of a cranial nerve which is a diagnosis.
The integumentary system has five main functions. The five main functions of the integumentary system are protection, regulation, sensation, absorption, and secretion. It consists of the hair, nails, skin, sebaceous and sweat glands. The largest organ of the entire body is the skin. The skin consists of three different layers. The epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous layer, these are the three layers of the skin. There is a layer that is deeper than the skin and contains body fat, that layer is called the hypodermis. Sweat glands are also called sudoriferous glands. One of the functions of the skin is to maintain homeostasis. Synthesis of vitamin D, excretion of urea, excretion of salts and water are a few things that the skin is also capable of. The top layer of the skin is called the epidermis. The epidermis contains five different layers. These layers are the stratum corneum, the stratum lucidum, the stratum spinosum, and the stratum basale. In the epidermis there are four different cell types. The keratinocytes which produce keratin, the merkel cells that are sensitive to touch, the langerhans cells which is a dendritic type off cell, and the melanocytes which produce melanin.
present in the cell bodies of the facial nerve in persons who do not have
Firstly, there is various of sensing activities as in seeing and hearing as in a sense of understanding of what is seen and heard. Secondly the sense of feeling in numerous parts of the body from the head to the toes. The ability to recall past events, the sophisticated emotions and the thinking process. The cerebellum acts as a physiological microcomputer which intercepts various sensory and motor nerves to smooth out what would otherwise be jerky muscle motions. The medulla controls the elementary functions responsible for life, such as breathing, cardiac rate and kidney functions. The medulla contains numerous of timing mechanisms as well as other interconnections that control swallowing and salivations.
...ure anesthesia, auricular needling is often used. By stimulating sensory receptors at auricular points, signals inputted into the body are transmitted through the trigeminal lemniscuses instead of the spinal cord. There were studies demonstrated anterior and posterior portions of the nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminal nerve had similar feedback effects to the gate system in the posterior horn of spinal cord, which could be used to modulate transmissions of pain impulses. This might be able to explain why auricular acupuncture has analgesia effects on surgical or painful irritation on the head and face. However, anesthesia effects of auricular acupuncture during thoracic and abdominal surgeries cannot be explained by any hypotheses about the gate control occurring at either posterior horns of the spinal cord or the nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminal nerve [27].
The 84 year old woman is experiencing several symptoms that would indicate that she has suffered an injury to her third cranial nerve, also known as the oculomotor nerve. The oculomotor nerve is responsible for eye movement, allows the pupil to constrict, and allows the person to focus on near objects such as reading. This ability to focus is also known as accommodation.
A crucial concept in the definition of pain is that it is indeed a perception, therefore involving the brain's rumination and elaboration on corresponding input. This may be paralleled to another sensory perception, vision. Although the optic nerve head should cause a "hole" in an individual's...
These tasks are accomplished through the mechnoreceptors of the three semicircular canals, the utricle and the saccule (3). Like the neighboring auditory system, each canal has hair cells that detect minute changes in fluid displacement, but unlike the auditory system, the utricle and the saccule send information to the brain regarding linear acceleration and head tilt. Shaking your head ënoí employs one of these canals. Likewise, there is a canal that detects head movement in the ëyesí position, and there is yet another semicircular canal that detects motion from moving your head from shoulder to shoulder (4).
stimuli, according to Brannstroms Hydrodynamic Theory. Anatomically, the areas of the tubules closer to the pulp activates the nerves associated with the odontoblasts at the end of the tubule, resulting in pain response.
that she has a firm sense of her identity and to mix that with a
An estimated 20 million people in the US have some form of peripheral neuropathy, and more than 100 types of peripheral neuropathies have been identified. (NINDS, 2014) Peripheral neuropathy is damage to peripheral nerves that can cause lack of coordination, weakness, numbness, tingling and pain usually in the hands and feet. Peripheral nerves send sensory information from your central nervous system to the rest of your body, which also helps generate movement. Peripheral neuropathy can be a mild or sever disease leading to disability. Most cases of peripheral neuropathy are caused by a treatable underlying condition. It is rare for peripheral neuropathy to be fatal but it can be extremely painful.
The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and the spinal cord. The brain and the spinal cord serves as the collection section of the nerve impulses. With damage to the peripheral nervous system the central nervous wouldn’t be able to interpret the stimuli’s because they wouldn’t be able to receive them. This system is considered to be ...
INTRODUCTION Facial reconstruction is an attempt to bring back the faces of the deceased from the skull. Taylor (2001, 4) includes facial reconstruction into forensic art. She divides forensic art into four subcategories, namely: composite imagery, image modification and image identification, demonstrative evidence, and reconstruction and postmortem identification aids, where is the facial reconstruction get in on the last subcategory (Taylor, 2001, 4-6). The facial reconstruction was first introduced to the basics of scientific use in 1895 by a German anatomist named His.
The five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell are all sensations throughout the human body. Sensation is the involvement of sensory receptors as well as the central nervous system in order to allow us to experience outside stimuli. The system that allows us to experience sensation is the sensory system.