Essay On Equal Pay

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It is the year 2018, and yet a woman should still not expect to be paid equally to her male counterpart. For centuries, women have been fighting for what seems to be a never-ending battle to have equal rights and opportunities as men. One of the countless things that have yet to be solved is the gender wage gap so that all people, regardless of their gender, will receive equal pay for equal work, in which they rightfully deserve. Some may argue that making “80 cents for every dollar earned by men” is not a large difference and therefore should not be thought of as a big deal (“Pay Equity and Discrimination”). However, they are not taking into consideration that every dollar adds up and that the average woman will lose hundreds of thousands …show more content…

Since the time it was acceptable for females to have a paying job, all the way up until now, there has been discrimination against women in the workforce. There is an unfair and inaccurate stereotype that women are physically and mentally weaker than men. This mindset of believing that all women are not as capable of good work as men cause people to think they should not be rewarded the same pay either. If we focus more on the individual rather than their gender, race, etc. than the workforce would be a much more equal place. In 1963, when the Equal Pay Act was first signed, women who worked full-time jobs earned an average of fifty-nine cents for every dollar earned by men. Forty years later, a study in 2010 showed that the wage gap was reduced by an about eighteen cents, an average of seventy-seven cents earned for every dollar earned by a man (“The Wage Gap Over Time”). Although there has been an improvement, the wage gap still has yet to be ended once and for all. In fact, if change keeps at this rate, about “fifty percent of the workforce,” in which women make up, will have to wait until 2059, the soonest, to be paid equally to their male counterparts ( However, if more people start talking about this issue and bring awareness, women may find justice much sooner than

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