Essay On Email Communication

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May 7th, 2014 To: Heather Bowen Ray From: Anqi Shen Subject: Communication Trends Report As your requested, I have investigated current communication trend in business field. Business communication plays a giant role in a corporation’s day-to-day activities such as checking emails and corresponding to any important message. The evolution of email Business today, highly competitive market in which high-speed communication and information transfer is essential. Email has evolved as an effective, low-cost and instant method of communication with coworkers all over the world. With e-mail, messages are keyed into a computer workstation and then transmitted to the recipient. A single message may be sent simultaneously to many recipients. The challenges of business email communication Effects-- The challenge for any businessperson is to think clearly about the content of the email message he is about to send and the unintended consequences of the information ending up in the wrong in-box. Time Frame--Sometimes an email message gets clogged in the "system" and is not delivered for hours or sometimes even days from the time it was sent. You expect almost immediately delivery, but that is not always the case. Accurate date and time stamping can alleviate part of this problem. Considerations--Email was designed to enhance communications by making it faster and more to the point. But printing email messages on the company printer defeats this purpose. The "paperless" office is a long way off if too many employees insist on keeping paper files of all the email messages they send or receive. Warning--Email has made it easy to be lazy. Expert Insight-- Even the most succinct email communication will need clari... ... middle of paper ... ...bullets T – Tidy up long sentences T – Take a pride in your finished message E – Ensure everything is right before you hit ‘send’ The future of business email communication Yes, email is being supplanted for some types of communication. But that’s to be expected. It’s progress. We have more choices for how to communicate these days, and can cherry-pick the best method for the task at hand. This doesn’t mean email is dying. It simply means that the communication ecosystem has expanded. The basic messaging format probably won’t change significantly, there are plenty of ways to build on top of email and make it more useful, especially use fancy tools. Such as Gmail’s Priority Inbox feature helps users to filter out their most important messages. While email itself won’t change, the tools we use for working with email will get much more sophisticated and powerful.

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