Essay On Ebola Virus

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Very little is known about these deadly viruses that can kills up to 90% of its victims. Most of the information known in the world today has been compiled in this article. Ebola is a filovirus of which there are 4 known strains: Marburg, Ebola Sudan, Ebola Zaire, and Ebola Reston. The origins of these viruses come from all around the world, however all of them are lethal.

Marburg, the first and simplest of the Ebola family to be discovered, arose in the old city of Marburg, Germany in 1967, when factory workers at Behring Works, which produced vaccines using the kidney cells of the African Green monkeys. The first recorded case of Marburg was Klaus F. who was the monkeys’ caretaker, and later a test tube containing the virus broke infecting the worker who dropped it. Eventually 31 people were infected and 7 were killed in the Behring Works incident.

In South Sudan, it seemed to have emerged after infecting a man called Mr.Yu G. The cause of infection is still unknown today, but nevertheless the virus quickly spread throughout the town of Nzara, leaving many dead in its wake. Eventually it traveled to Maridi where it reached an unsanitary hospital. Needless to say the disease tore through the entire hospital and infected the patients as well as their families. It is suspected that the nurses had been using unsanitized needles to treat patients. After going on its path of destruction the virus mysteriously disappeared, possibly due to its high fatality rate.

With almost twice the kill rate of Ebola Sudan, the Zaire strain started in a deceptively uneventful way. Nurses in the Yambuku Mission Hospital had been reusing needles throughout the whole day to administer malaria shots to various villagers nearby. Due to the high dem...

... middle of paper ... is where the majority of testing for Ebola took place.

Everyone have a seat and I’ll explain a few different ways that we test for Ebola. The first method is when we test the blood for signs of Ebola. First we take samples of Ebola strains, and then we get the subject’s blood. Next, we apply chemicals to the various Ebola strain blood samples. We then mix the subject’s blood together with the contaminated blood, and if there is a reaction, it will glow. The brighter the glow, the closer the match to the Ebola strain. Another simple way to test for Ebola is to take some blood out and look under a microscope. If you see the the cells all in pieces and broken, there’s a darn good chance you got ebola on your hands.

Well that’s about it, folks. I hope you enjoyed this tour! Remember, only a very select few get to experience this. We hope to see you around soon!

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