Essay On Drunk Driving

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THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK AND THE EFFECTS OF DRINKING UNDER THE INFLUENCE CARLA MORRIS ITT TECHNICAL INSTITUTE My friend Lina has son a twelve-year-old boy named Bradley. He and his friend Chris were walking from a birthday party only a couple of blocks from Bradley’s home. As they crossed the street, Bradley heard a loud roaring sound coming very quickly towards them. The sound of the roar was a car that was swerving as it began to come faster towards them. The car lights were turned off, so they didn’t notice the car until it got really close to them. They tried to run as quickly as they could, but the car was much faster than them. Chris managed to get off the street, and as he looked back, they saw the car driving towards Bradley. Chris was taken to the hospital, and unfortunately was paralyzed from the neck and Bradley died two days later from the forceful impact of the vehicle that dragged him for one mile. All this was the result of drunk driving. When is the last time that you took a sip of alcohol? Did you drive soon after? When I start to think about drinking and driving I automatically think that everyone does it. I have at some point seen everyone that I have associate with in life at one point drink and drive. It seems the more people that do drink and drive, the more acceptable it seems amongst peers until they get caught and charged. Alcohol has been around since the early days of man. Anthropologists have discovered evidence that fermented beverages were produced as early as 10,000 B.C. As man abandoned nomadic lifestyles and created village and towns, clean water supplies would not last. The source of the water eventually became tainted by animals, the tribes use, or by another tribe upstream contaminating the... ... middle of paper ... ...nders Under Correctional Supervision (June 1999:1). “In 2012, an estimated 750,200 offenders were on probation or in jail or prison for driving while intoxicated by alcohol (DWI): 654,500 on probation, 21,100 in Jail, and 17,600 in state prison”. Want a life experience that will lead to feelings of depression, hopelessness, and thoughts of suicide? That's what can happen when you choose to drink and drive. If you drink and drive, and kill someone, you will have feelings of regret and guilt. This can lead to severe mental health issues, and possibly being hospitalized for depression. The one time that you drink and drive may lead into several times but is it really worth your financial stability and your pride? If you have to take a drink, stay at home. It’s not worth waking up in a cold jail cell with no one around that can help or taking a life or even yours.

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