Essay On Disability Rights

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The issue of the rights of patients with disabilities is of great importance and has been addressed many times by specialists who are engaged with it. In the context of protecting these rights, committee on the rights of persons with disabilities was established and a Convention was written. The main purpose of this Convention is the promotion, protection as well as insurance of all human rights and essential freedoms by all individuals with disabilities. Under the Convention, persons with disabilities must be respected for their intrinsic self-esteem and self-respect. The present Convention must take into consideration the following principles ( (a) Respect for intrinsic self-esteem, individual independence and freedom to make one's own decisions, and autonomy of individuals (b) Non-inequity (c) Full participation and effective inclusion in all social activities and generally in society (d) Respect for any difference persons with disabilities have and accept them as an equal part of the society (e) Respect for having the same opportunities with other people (f) Accessibility in different types of services (g) As for the gender, equality between men and women (h) Respect for the children with disabilities to develop their capacities (i) Respect for the children with disabilities to protect their identities. With regard to the general obligations of the present Convention, they are described below ( 1. States Parties take on to ensure and protect the total recognition of all human rights and essential freedoms for all individuals with disabilities without any kind of inequity due to the disability. In this context, States Parties undertake: (a) To adopt all appropriate governmental, ... ... middle of paper ... ...its available resources and, where needed, within the frame of international cooperation. 3. States Parties must strongly consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities, including even children with disabilities, through their representative organizations. This will happen in the context of the development of legislation and policies to implement the present Convention, and in other decision-making processes with regard to issues associated with disabled persons. 4. States Parties must also guarantee that nothing in the present Convention will affect (change or abolish) any provisions which are more favorable to the implementation of the rights of people with disabilities and which may be included in the law of a State Party. 5. The requirements of the present Convention will extend to all parts of federal states. There is no limitation or exception.

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