Essay On Didjeridu

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v Australian Aborigines are indigenous to Australia and have lived in a territory called the Arnhem Land for almost 40,000 years. Some of the population of the Aborigines lives in government housing while others still lives among the land as their ancestors did. This is a very ethnic group that also has many religious beliefs. They believe in Animism which is the belief that living creatures and the outside environment contain supernatural powers. One of the most common instruments found among the Aborigines is the didjeridu. This instrument has a rich history in the ethnic music that the Aborigines play. It is also made and performed by these indigenous people in very unique ways. Through the Aborigines the didjeridu has become a very …show more content…

Most historians believe though that the didjeridu history only goes back to 1,500 to 2,000 years. This is believed because of the cave art that the Aborigines have left behind. These cave drawling consist of figures playing a didjeridu The didjeridu is believe to be firstly constructed in eastern Kimberly and is also considered by some to be the world’s oldest instrument. Traditionally, the didjeridu was only played by men. By the same culture it was seen as inappropriate for a woman to play the didjeridu as well. While playing the didjeridu most of the time singing, chanting and dancing can become involved. It also was played for very important ceremonies. Other instruments can also be played alongside the didjeridu. Aborigine’s also talk about the didjeridu instrument being a big part of their dreamtime …show more content…

In length the didjeridu can be anywhere from 3.5 to 7 feet while the average length is 4.5 feet. Most of these instruments are made out of wood, but can occasionally be made out of plastics or metals. Wooden didjeridu’s can be made out of bamboo, eucalyptus or other Australian woods. Traditionally, the wood is eucalyptus and the instrument is made from a tree branch. Specifically the branches that are used are ones that have been hollowed out because of termites or some type of bug. The holes and lines that the termites leave give the didjeridu its unique sound. The most common type of didjeridu is a flared didjeridu. This instrument is a long cylindrical tube that gets narrower toward one end of the instrument. The process of making a didjeridu consists of the following steps. First the branch is cut and is soaked in water. Then the didjeridu barks is cut off of it. The instrument is then plugged to check if the hollow cylinder has any holes. If there is any hole in the instrument bees wax or some type of filler is used to cover them. The mouth piece is made for the instrument. The mouth piece is usually 1 to 3 inches long. This part of the instrument is also covered with bees wax because it gives the instrument a smoother edge. The paint texture of a didjeridu could be some type of pattern or just one color of painted wood. Sometimes these patterns also have a deeper meaning. Once the didjeridu is

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