Essay On Defense Attorney

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If I had a chance to discuss a specific job within the criminal justice system, I would choose a defense attorney. Most defense attorneys are paid a large amount of money, with some as much as 200,000 a year. There are, however, a few sources needed to maintain motivation, one of which is known as high level of determination. As a defense attorney, they should always have the mindset for success. If, for example, the defense attorney’s goal every day is to win and defeat the prosecution, 9 times out of 10, a positive and an effective outcome will follow (Christison, 2015). That being said, it takes a positive mindset to distract any professional from feeling insecure during their cases. The second way a layer could maintain motivation …show more content…

Defensive attorneys work in an atmosphere where they have to be different from everyone else. Being distinct such as being argumentative and dominant is needed to work in a quick pace and stressful enforcement and will raise the chance they’ll win a case (Christison, 2015). The third and final source needed to maintain motivation is to not let your emotions get in the way. If, for example, there’s a case that requires the defense attorney to protect a potential killer, but deep down the attorney is 100 percent certain he or she committed the crime, the lawyer is unable to put blame by not letting their emotions get in the way; furthermore, provide as much defense needed to reduce the charge or acquit the defendant (Christison, 2015). There is, however, characteristics that could lead to discomfort and large amounts of stress. The amount of money defense attorneys get paid have a costly price when it comes to providing a unique personality around criminal justice professionals. Not only can long hours play a role in an attorney’s distress, but also the never ending deadlines, non-stop emails/phone calls, but also all the angry defendants, lawyers and prosecutors they deal they deal with in a daily basis as well

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