Essay On Cyrano De Bergerac

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Cyrano de Bergerac is a tale of love and what love drags with it. Its main character Cyrano de
Bergerac is a man with an abnormal nose who fell in love with his enchanting cousin. This play is considered a romantic chivalry since it takes place in early modern Europe. Since romance is involved, love will certainly not be excluded from this text. Love is seen in many ways and it is practiced in various forms as well. Although this is true, there are times where love is confused with lust. Lust can be defined as a very strong sexual desire. There is a difference between being beautiful all around and being “hot”. What Cyrano felt for his Cousin Roxane was love. He not only liked her looks but every detail about her. He would describe her with …show more content…

Although Christian did feel nervous in front of Roxane he did not actually love her. At least not the way Cyrano did. He felt more lust than love towards her. That is why I will be going to compare and contrast Love and Lust. Love can be defined as an intense feeling of deep affection. Although the definitions are clearly different, it is difficult for some people to realize when you feel lustfully towards someone and when you love their exterior features. In Cyrano de Bergerac It is shown many times when Love occurred and when Lust was seen.
Cyrano de Bergerac is part of a group called The Gascon Cadets. He is a man with an Extremely long nose and has an amazing ability to use his words vigorously. Although it may seem wrong and not normal today, it was not abnormal to date your second cousin. Cyrano fell completely in love with Roxane. He has been knowing her since they were young. He has had a vast amount of time to get to know her. How is it certain that Cyrano is in love with Roxane and is not lustful over her. Cyrano describes Roxane as a beautiful yet dangerous woman.did love her beauty but did love her personality too. “ Dangerous Mortally, without meaning; exquisite
Without imagining. Nature’s own snare To allure manhood. A white rose wherein Love lies …show more content…

marching through broad, blossoming woods, Art so divine as when she mounts her chair And goes abroad through Paris!
Although he does love her beauty, he describes her so angelically that it is not his sexual desire who is speaking but his heart. He knows her well enough to say that he truly loves her. Not only that but just by the thought of Roxane knowing who he has filled him up with joy and happiness that he goes off and defeats all the assassins. CYRANO:
She knows that I exist—no matter why! LE BRET: So now, you are going to be happy. CYRANO:
Now!... (Besides himself) I—I am going to be a storm—a flame— I need to fight whole armies all alone; I have ten hearts; I have a hundred arms; I feel Too strong to war with mortals— (He shouts at the top of his voice.) BRING ME GIANTS! Cyrano shows that he loves Roxane so much that he is willing to see her happy with another man. That is why he volunteers to write letters for the man Roxane “loves” which is Christian. “ CHRISTIAN: I need eloquence, and I have none! CYRANO: I’ll lend you mine! Lend me your conquering physical charm, and together we’ll form a romantic hero!” Cyrano is not a selfish lustful man

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