Cyrano De Bergerac Is A Romantic Hero

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What exactly defines a romantic hero? A romantic hero is someone who is against most of the standards of society, and they break away from the norm of things. They are quite dark and act as if they have a larger than life personality. Romantic heroes have no boss and are usually able to do their own thing. A Romantic hero must face some sort of connection with their inner-self and inner-emotions. It is as if they wish to be able to understand their own feelings in a way of emotions. A romantic hero will mostly likely have young popularity and have already completed big life goals set for them. This is most likely happening to contrast with the fact that more romantic heroes die young. A romantic hero can be characterized by many things: arrogant, …show more content…

Cyrano believes that Christian is handsome and he is not. Realizing Christian may have the hots but not the brains, the two of them team up to make the ultimate boyfriend for Roxane. Cyrano writes her letters with his very poetic voice, while Christian is used for the physicalness of being with Roxane. Roxane, however, does not know Cyrano is in on this, and she does not know that Cyrano loves her, and is not able to know until he reads one of “Christian's” letters out loud to Roxane fifteen years later. Cyrano de Bergerac is filled with themes of independence, sacrifice, love, and loyalty. Cyrano is defined as a romantic hero because he has courageousness, boastfulness, and flourishness, which are his happy symbols, but he is also a sad poet and very sensitive. Now, in the book, Cyrano has a problem that he has a gigantic nose. So big, that is used to define so many things. Cyrano’s nose is first, a symbol of his “larger than life” or very energetic and outgoing personality. Cyrano’s nose also represents his devotion for his cousin Roxane. His nose could also possibly be a symbol of his craziness and his nobility. People have renowned Cyrano’s story because of his heroic protagonist qualities and who stayed loyal to their beliefs. Cyrano de Bergerac is a story about fear, beauty, loyalty, friendship, love, …show more content…

Wishing for her to notice Federigo, he dedicated her life to her, spending almost every penny on her, but she ignored him. Federigo soon is poor and has to retire to his farm to work. He states his most prized possession at his farm house is his amazing falcon. Back to Giovanna, her husband goes down with a big sickness. He soon dies, giving Giovanna all of the inheritance, making her super rich. Some time later, her son also becomes ill. Not wanting to lose her son too, she spends every minute with him, doing everything she can to make him feel better. Her son states that he would feel better if he had something, and that something was Federigo’s falcon. Knowing that Federigo loved her so, Giovanna is aware of what Federigo has sacrificed, of how highly he regards her, of how much Federigo's Falcon means to him, and she knows it would be cruel to try to take it from him. but not wanting to lose her son, she accepts and will get the falcon. Giovanna and her friend leave for Federigo’s house. They arrive and Giovanna apologizes for ignoring him all that time. Giovanna wishes for dinner at Federigo’s household. Federigo, overcome with excitement, gladly lets them enter. Federigo, however, was worried what he was going to make for a meal as great as Giovanna. He looked around until he stumbled upon his falcon. Thinking that the falcon would make a suitable meal for her,

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