Essay On Criminal Justice

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Criminal justice is something that interests a lot of curious minds. It is such a broad and complex topic. Criminal justice is defined as a generic term for the procedure by which criminal conduct is investigated, evidence gathered, arrests made, charges brought, defenses raised, trials conducted, sentences rendered and punishment carried out. There is also so much more that happens within this large field of work. The first actual modern police force was established in 1834 in Boston. They were the first technically in the United States. But it was not always the best justice people could ask for. The police force was corrupt and no one liked or respected police officials back then. They were seen as a joke, and did not have much effect on the criminal justice system (Random House, inc).
One of the basic topics of criminal justice that …show more content…

The people who sit in the courts are there to make sure everyone gets a fair trial. They are there to ensure the individual’s rights are not being violated. The courts are made up of four main types of people: judges that rule over cases; people who represent the case are called defense lawyers; and prosecutors. The courts also include jury members if a case goes to trial. The jury members are chosen carefully by the defense lawyer and the prosecutor. They are known about from voter registrations and driver’s license/ ID renewals. At random selection, jurors are sent to the courthouse for further questions. From these questions, the prosecutor and the defense get to choose which jurors would most likely be in favor of their side of the case. Defense attorneys are usually in private practice and are most likely hired by the defendant. Public defenders are lawyers who are there for people who cannot afford a lawyer. They are appointed to them by the city. Juries and judges play a big part in sentencing individuals. But the jury and the judge have to follow certain guidelines

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