Essay On Chasing The American Dream

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America, the land of hope, freedom, and “the dream”. Hope to find new endeavours, freedom to make any choice you choose, and “the dream” to have a lavish life attained by hard work or maybe just a little. It seems that at this time; chasing the American Dream can turn into a nightmare. When I imagine the American Dream, I see a hospital bed with life support readily in use. So when is the plug getting pulled? Will the American Dream stand the test of time or will the Millennial’s be the ones to flip the switch? Being in a family classified as lower class the American dream has been a tale I have heard of and once dreamt to achieve. Don’t get me wrong, I believe everyone should strive for greatness, but being a realist, I believe that the once tangible dream has transformed into the impossible; the dream will one day be the legend. Living in a first world country we get the glories of “Informational Era”; we are able to know that over the past decades the cost living has risen, the dollar value has dropped, it takes more than one income source to support a household, that finding a well paying career may leave you …show more content…

Citizens see that new generating wealth is lowering; very much of the wealth in America are old bloodlines who have had money rather than generations making the dream and achieving riches. Thus proving the dream is slowly on a decline. Less and less of the youth want to go to college and further their education because in this day and age it’s a gamble because the youth is very aware of the fact that they could spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on school and end up in debt and jobless. Speaking of debt, Citizens also are coming to the realization of our everlasting debt, but not the US to China, but the debt we place upon our own people in our country, we run off of credit ( a nice word for debt.) a universal debt

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