Exploring the History and Evolution of Capacitors

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Capacitors- History of Capacitors Ewald Georg von Kleist is a German scientist who created the capacitor in November of 1745. Regrettably, Kleist did not have the proper paper work to claim in the records that the design of the capacitor was his idea. Many months later, a Dutch professor named Pieter van Musschenbroek created the Leyden jar, the world’s first capacitor (on record). It was a simple jar that was half filled with water and metal above it. A metal wire was connected to it and that wire released charges. Benjamin Franklin created his own version of the Leyden jar, the flat capacitor. This was the same experiment for the more part, but it had a flat piece of glass inside of the jar. Michael Faraday was the first scientist to apply this concept to transport electric power over a large distance. Faraday created the unit of measurement for a capacitor, called Farad. C = Q/V …show more content…

It is used to collect and store energy, which it, later on, discharges to wherever you want it to go. It is basically a rechargeable battery. Capacitors also help with the prevention of electrical noises, pulses, audio sounds, and other types of waves. These are some of the examples on what different capacitors can do: Coupling capacitor is used to connect one circuit element to another circuit element. Only an AC signal passes through, the DC signals are blocked. This is commonly used in audio devices, like microphones. Bypass capacitor makes the AC signals go to ground, leaving DC signals only. This process is useful if you want to have only DC signal, without the disturbance of AC signal. Smoothing capacitor is used to smoothen out or even out the fluctuations in a signal. It is mostly used to obtain a steady DC signal. Characteristics of

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