Essay On Breastfeeding

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Breastfeeding is a natural way of providing food for infants. It is an important part of motherhood, and it is the first major decision that is made when it comes to feeding a child. Breastfeeding is an issue of gender because when a woman is seen breastfeeding, in public or not, she is usually shamed and accused of indecent exposure. This is because our society has been shaped to see breast only as sexual objects as well as an insufficient amount of educating on breastfeeding being done. We could start to put an end to this issue by becoming informed on the importance of breastfeeding and realizing that the purpose of breast is to provide nutrients to babies. In the research I did on this issue, I found studies and information that have shown the advantages breastfeeding has when it comes to infants, mothers, and society. When thinking of breastfeeding There has been plenty of research that have shown that breastfeeding has a positive effect on the nutrition of a baby. Since breasts are specifically for infants, breast milk is easier for baby to digest. There are many nutrients found in breast milk …show more content…

Since breast milk is free there would be no money spent on foods and formulas. The only things that would need to be purchased are nursing bras, nursing pads and maybe a breast pump if wanted. It 's estimated that breastfeeding can save mothers, thousands of dollars a year. On average, babies eat 25 ounces of milk a day, about 9,125 ounces a year. As of 2013, formula was, on average, $0.19 an ounce. So the average cost of a year’s worth of formula would be $1733.75 while breast milk is free (6). There are also environmental benefits to breastfeeding. For example, there won 't be any formula cans to throw away or water being used washing bottles (4). Breastfeeding also helps make a more productive workforce since mothers who breastfeed miss less work to care for sick infants

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