Essay On Black Lives Matter Movement

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Black Lives Matter Movement
In today’s society we are all perceived to be equal, but is that may not really be the case. The black community feel as if they are not treated equal. There are many controversies in the world today. With the public and even police officers. In this essay I will talk about the origins, the goals, and the tactics of the black lives matter movement. I also conducted interviews with two people about their opinion of this movement.
The black lives matter movement is the result of the Trayvon Martin murder in 2012. Also, this movement is a reaction to all the racism in humanity today. This movement is a protest for the blacks. They feel as if they are not treated equally. The people in the black community want to be treated better because black lives matter (Cullors, Tometi, & Garza, n.d.).
This movement has a goal, a goal to get black lives liberation. Members of the movement are “working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically and intentionally targeted for demise” (Cullors, Tometi, & Garza, n.d.). All blacks really want, is to be heard.
One of the things the members of the movement uses is social media using the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. They also protest, they protest on the streets and on …show more content…

One of the women I interviewed, Macey, said that she completely agrees with the movement. She said “they are absolutely doing the right thing, they need to fight for equality” (M. Nicole, personal communications, October 26, 2015). Gigi, another person I interviewed, was against the movement and she finds it to be unnecessary. She said, “black people need to realize that America isn't racist like it used to be, there are still some racist out there but I bet that they make up less than a quarter of the population. There are more people for them rather than against them” (Gigi Wall, personal communications, October 26,

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