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Recommended: Essay on autoimmunity
Literature Review
All human bodies have an immune system, which is a complex network of cells and organs that protect the body from germs and other foreign substances. A mistake can make the body unable to tell the difference between foreign substances and the body’s own cells. When this happens, the body makes auto-antibodies that attack body cells by mistake. When a foreign substance invades your body (like a cold virus or bacteria on a thorn that pricks your skin) your immune system attacks it. It tries to identify, kill and get rid of the invaders that might harm you. But sometimes problems with your immune system cause it to mistake your body’s own healthy cells as invaders and then repeatedly attack them. This is called an autoimmune disease.
It has been documented that the exact cause of this disease is unknown but could be caused by environmental factors. 1 The Mayo clinic further stated that an autoimmune disease is when auto antibodies attack your body’s own tissue. Their assumption is that an unknown occurrence in the body triggers the onset of Polymyositis...
immune system I get sick very easily, and my body has a hard time fighting off any
The immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body, and it defends the body from “foreign invaders.” Immunity can be divided in two three different defenses, and these are defined as first, second and third lines of defense. The first line of defense for the immune system is the primary defense against pathogens entering the body from the surface in order to prevent the start of disease and infection. Some examples of the first line of defense is the skin, protecting the external boundaries of the body, and the mucous membranes, protecting the internal boundaries of the body. Although the skin and mucous membranes work on the internal and external boundaries, they both release chemicals
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory and an autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s tissue (Rheumatoid arthritis, 2017). This disease affects the entire body, which is called a systemic (means entire body) disease. Arthritis is derived from the word part arthr-, which means “joint,” and -itis, which means “inflammation,” so altogether it means “inflammation of the joints.” It creates inflammation that causes the tissue that lines the inside of joints (synovium) to thicken. About 1.5 million people in the U.S. are affected. It affects all races, but it affects three times as many women than men (What is Rheumatoid Arthritis, n.d.). Overtime, rheumatoid arthritis causes painful swelling that can potentially result in bone erosion or joint deformity, which leads up to physical disabilities. RA can affect more than just your joints, but can spread to body systems, skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood vessels, e.t.c (Rheumatoid arthritis, 2017).
The job of the immune system is to keep “foreign” invaders out of the body, or if one gets in, to seek it out and kill it. These foreign invaders are called pathogens, which are tiny organisms that can cause an infection in the body. Pathogens can be bacteria, parasites, and fungi (http://www.niaid.nih.gov/topics/immuneSystem/pages/whatisimmunesystem.aspx).
Point #1: “Lupus is a chronic (6 wks. -Years), autoimmune disease that occurs when your body’s immune system damages any part of your body such as the skin, joints, and organs.”
What are these red patches of skin on my body that I can’t ever help from scratching? It is eczema, which is defined as a medical condition in which patches of skin become inflamed, with blisters that cause itching and bleeding. Genetics take a role in the possibility of having eczema, after comes the diagnosis, then being prescribed the treatment needed, and lastly their prognosis.
Infectious Mononucleosis, or more commonly known as “Mono” for short, is a relatively common illness among young adults. The term "mononucleosis" is a reference to the increase in your body’s mononuclear white blood cells (or lymphocytes) in your bloodstream, which is due to the EBV infection. This illness can leave you feeling extremely tired, can spike a slight fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. A persons tonsils can have a whitish coating. This is common in at least one-third of reported Mono cases. About 5% of patients develop a splotchy red rash on multiple parts of the body. This rash can have a similar appearance to a rash that is caused by Measles. Early in the course of disease, which is the first few days, a temporary swelling of both upper eyelids could also appear. Mono can also cause an inflammation of the liver and an enlargement of the spleen has been found in about 50% of patients. These symptoms can last for a range of four to eight weeks after the diagnosis. Rigorous activity and contact sports should also be avoided while having Mono and during the recovery phase after the illness is gone to prevent issues with a person’s liver and spleen. Mono is also well-known as the “kissing disease” because the virus can be spread through saliva. Patients can continue to have virus particles present in their saliva for as long as 18 months after the initial infection. Other ways to spread Mono include, but are not limited to, coughing, sneezing, and sometimes can even be spread through an infected persons’ tears. If you have mono, you can avoid giving the virus to others by not kissing anyone and by not sharing drinks, eating utensils, or toothbrushes.
Infectious mononucleosis, commonly referred to as “mono”, is a disease that results from the Epstein-Barr virus or EBV. It is also known as glandular fever because it attacks the lymph glands in your throat. Many people have been exposed to mono at some point in their lives, but have built up resistance to the disease. People are diagnosed with mono through a type of blood test called a monospot test, and prescribed proper recovery methods. Mono affects people all around the world, but due to antibodies in humans’ immune system, is not a common disease.
In some diseases, the inflammation is clearly an immune reaction, the body's defense against invading microorganisms. In others, the cause is different or unknown. Infectious Arthritis This disease is most common in young adults. Infection in a joint is usually caused by bacteria or other microorganisms that invade the joint from its blood vessels.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complicated chronic deteriorating disease that has an effect on the central nervous system (CNS). This disease causes destruction of the myelin around the nerve fibers. “The exact etiology of Multiple Sclerosis is unknown; however, it is thought to be an immune mediated disease. MS is characterized by CNS inflammation, demyelination, and axonal loss” (Compston & Coles, 2008). Typically, it is described by early relapses and remissions of neurological signs of the CNS. This is known as relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS). MS can be identified by a variety of known risk factors. Multiple Sclerosis can be brought on by a mixture of inherited and environmental risk factors such as smoking or an exposure to a virus like Epstein Barr. The inflammatory process has an interesting role on the central nervous system.
When a cell in our body has become infected or has become cancerous it’s surface changes. This is how the immune system can tell good cells from bad ones (the markings on the surface.) Once a bad cell has been recognized our bodies sends cells to destroy the damaged cell and prevent the spread of whatever caused the damage in the first place. The next step our body takes is to have the affected cells start to produce interferons and other helpful substances. These help to fight off unwanted organisms, and also to warn other cells of the invaders and prepare them to resist them therefore preventing the spread of disease.
Immunisation holds an important role in our society that is to protect and prevent harmful infections from entering our community. Through the process of receiving a vaccine, immunisation uses the body’s natural defense mechanism and ensures a resistance to harmful infections, that has continued to benefit our modern society since 1924 (Australian Government Department of Health, 2013). It has been found that numerous members of the Islamic community are seeking exemption from immunisation citing their religious beliefs as their reason. As a result, life-threatening diseases such as polio still remain in three countries, restricting the advancement of our society. Should the opportunity to eradicate such deadly and debilitating diseases be passed up in order to respect the religious beliefs of others?
Asthma is a disease that currently has no cure and can only be controlled and managed through different treatment methods. If asthma is treated well it can prevent the flare up of symptoms such as coughing, diminish the dependence on quick relief medication, and help to minimize asthma attacks. One of the key factors to successful treatment of asthma is the creation of an asthma action plan with the help of a doctor that outlines medications and other tasks to help control the patient’s asthma ("How Is Asthma Treated and Controlled?"). The amount of treatment changes based on the severity of the asthma when it is first diagnosed and may be the dosage may be increased or decreased depending on how under control the patient’s asthma is. One of the main ways that asthma can be controlled is by becoming aware of the things that trigger attacks. For instance staying away from allergens such as pollen, animal fur, and air pollution can help minimize and manage the symptoms associated with asthma. Also if it is not possible to avoid the allergens that cause a patient’s asthma to flare up, they may need to see an allergist. These health professionals can help diagnosis what may need to be done in other forms of treatment such as allergy shots that can help decrease the severity of the asthma ("How Is Asthma Treated and Controlled?").
One of the most common mysteries in the world is the development of autoimmune diseases. An autoimmune disease is when the immune system, which usually keeps your body healthy thinks that your healthy cells are antigens and attacks them. This is irony right? It is against properties of evolution for an immune system to attack itself causing sickness and possibly death if untreated. There are about 80 different types of autoimmune diseases, which usually have periods of little to no symptoms and worsening symptoms. What particularly creates confusion in the world is the autoimmune disease, inflammatory bowel disease, which affects almost about five million people worldwide.
Patients who usually have allergies suffer from many symptoms due to the allergic reaction(s). Normally, your immune system protects you against invading agents such as bacteria and viruses. Otherwise harmless allergens (allergy-producing substances) cause your body to react as if they were dangerous invaders. In effect, your immune system is responding to a false alarm.