Essay On An Autistic Child

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When a child is born into the world, future possibilities and expectations begin to abound in a new parents mind. They don’t suspect that there may be an underlying disability waiting to snatch it all away. When comparing a normal child to that of an Autistic child, the differences sometimes are staggering. When looking at a child with Autism, there are no considerable defining attributes that would give away their disorder. Only with a psychological evaluation or in some cases a neurological scan, which would provide a noticeable difference in brain development, would you be able to diagnose. A few of the aspects to living with a child that has Autism versus the one that does not would be brain development, family dynamics, social situations and different therapies to help with the growth of the child.
Autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts. The first step in analyzing the differences between a healthy child and an Autistic child would be to look at accomplishing milestones and assessing if there is a …show more content…

Trips to theme parks and other such overwhelming places are usually not attempted unless the child is able to handle such situations which can sometimes be seen in higher functioning Autism. Even a simple car ride to the grocery store can be a traumatic experience for the child. With a normal child group activities such as a birthday party or a sports team are easily achievable. Parents with multiple children and one of them having this handicap can find it very challenging to be able to not handicap their normal child by limiting activities and experiences due to their Autistic child not being able to cope. This is not to say that an Autistic child could not lead a somewhat normal

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