Essay Comparing Superman And Beowulf

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A hero is a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; Beowulf, the title character of an epic poem, and Superman, a modern day hero, both proved that they are worthy of the “hero” title. Throughout time, Beowulf and Superman have both been known as brave heroes that stand up for others. The two of them put themselves in difficult situations to protect other’s lives. A hero should be a significant figure, and in the epic poem, Beowulf signified strength, courage, nobility, and honor. As a hero, Superman shared many of the same significant qualities. Although their stories of heroism seem obviously parallel when referring to the characteristics shown by the two heroes, the contrasts are also apparent. The two heroes were very indifferent in various ways. Although Beowulf was exceptionally strong, he was merely a human, but Superman was not human and was exiled from the planet Krypton. Beowulf was eventually defeated and killed, but Superman was immortal and indestructible. Until the end of the poem when Beowulf was defeated by a fierce dragon, he really had no weaknesses; however, Superman constantly struggled with his weakness Kryptonite. Although they both used …show more content…

The two of them never failed to succeed, but fame made Beowulf more boastful. A hero simply always helps out without any recognition in return. No matter the powers of the enemy, Beowulf and Superman never denied helping anyone. Beowulf left his own people to help defend others from the dragons Grendel and his mother, and Superman spent most of his time saving others; therefore, when he encountered Kryptonite, he did not back down. The modesty and selflessness that the two heroes display distinguish them and their story lines from other people and even other

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