Essay About Stereotyping

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A stereotype is a thought about a person, a group or a way of doing things that may not necessarily be true or reflect reality.In other words grouping races or individuals together on basis of things they have no control on or were born with like nationality, colour,gender,social group or religion, and make a judgment about them without knowing them. Stereotypes are often wrong as they are not based on an actual experience or reason. They are usually cruel, offensive, and can even turn a person's life upside down. Stereotypes can remain persistent, even if inaccurate, if a member of the stereotyped group behaves as expected; the behavior confirms and even strengthens the stereotype. One of the common stereotype examples is stereotypes is saying that men are the "backbone."This is also an example of "gender stereotyping" which is a major problem in today's world. Although women, nowadays, have somehow gained more status, independence and freedom as they have become more aware of their rights due to the feminist movement, women still suffer from gender stereotyping. Through the ages, men have been considered to be financial providers, independent and assertive, whereas women have been shown as low-position workers, loving wives and mothers, responsible for doing housework and raising children. Sex stereotyping can have a great effect on women's life and limit the development of their abilities and natural talents as well as their life experiences and educational opportunities. Gender stereotyping is a big problem that affects a significant number of people, thus, its causes and effects must be discussed in depth and solutions must be suggested and put into action.
The first cause for this problem arises from the way ...

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...cted women in various ways and lead to them being insulted and violated. Sex stereotyping is a problem that has many causes and many more effects; thus, because of its significance, solutions must be created and practised before women suffer more discrimination and oppression. Correct socialization through setting a good example to the child and eliminating any possible act or speech that enforces gender stereotypes is the key to gender equality. The idea of gender equality can be further installed by explaining the importance its importance and how our gender does not necessarily determine our roles in the future. I call all the parents out there to contribute to social cohesion and development by up bringing their children in way that makes them understand and believe in the importance of equality between people regardless of their sex,colour,age or social status.

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