Essay About Madonna

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Madonna was born in Michigan on August 16, 1958. Her real birth name is Madonna Louise Ciccone. She is known as one of America's biggest and well-known stars. Madonna’s extremely successful career began before she even went to college. She was an extremely good dancer, earning a dance college scholarship for the University of Michigan. Within the next two years she dropped out of college and decided to pursue a career elsewhere. She moved to New York because she believed she could do more for herself and find better opportunities in a metropolis-like setting. She still wished to pursue a dance career and began to study and dance with two companies; Alvin Ailey and Pearl Lang. While living with her musician boyfriend, she created a short lived punk styled band called “Breakfast Club.” Shortly after, she got opportunities to perform her first single “Everybody”, which was an electronica-pop club song, which became increasingly popular in NYC. Her career blossomed from there. Madonna has broken several popular music sales records. Her song, "Vogue," released in 1990, became one of the top selling singles ever produced. She has performed a variety of genres, including dance, electronica, rock, pop, and R&B. Madonna's assertive behavior, outspoken personality, and aggressive acts of sexuality, along with her great efforts to push back the borders of the acceptable, have brought her tremendous commercial success in America and abroad. She has achieved the reputation as a forefront performer and entertainer. She always had two career objectives in mind and believed she would definitely achieve one or both of them. She danced with them for a short time period, however, she felt she could do better by focusing her main efforts and ideas ...

... middle of paper ..., beats made from household items, and contained personal themes for Björk. Her 2003 was laid back, only playing a few tour dates, and in 2004, she prepared to release her album Medúlla, an all-vocal soundtrack. Later in the same yed a performance of one of its songs, "Oceania," at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece. An unannounced hiatus occurred from 2006 through 2011, as she was working through the process of a new album. While she was touring the world, Björk began work on her most ambitious project to date: Biophilia, an “interactive exploration of humanity's relationships to sound and the universe that would also educate listeners/viewers about music theory and science” (“Björk Guðmundsdóttir.”). Biophilia's final form, which took shape with the help of engineers, scientists, and video game designers, was as a series of apps for the iPad and iPhone

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