Essay About Karate

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Shodan: What karate means to me Karate has changed my life in countless different ways. Before I joined karate I was lazy, I played video games far too much, and I hated exercise. It has taught me to become more outgoing, it has helped me to become more athletic, and has overall made me a better person. I can not picture myself not being in karate. Karate has helped me deal with various obstacles in my life I have faced since I joined. Before I entered karate I was lazy and I barely went outside. I would spend most of my time playing video games and not doing my homework. Once I joined karate, however, I became a lot more focused on my studies, and my grades greatly improved. I went from being lucky to get a 65% to having an average of 80%, This is due to the amount of self-discipline that is involved in karate. The definition of self-discipline is “the correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement” this means that you are able to make yourself do things you know you should do even …show more content…

Before I joined karate I could barely talk to people, I was mainly secluded and kept to myself. I barely had any friends and was very shy. I could barely work up the courage to present things to the class. Since I moved around a lot I had depended on my brother far too much. Once I joined karate, however, I started to come out of my shell. I gained a lot more confidence and I learned not to depend on my brother so much. Karate has helped me to become more outgoing and gain more self-confidence. Karate constantly forces me to do things that are out of my comfort zone, such as teaching people Kata or Basics, presenting my Kata to the class or at tournaments, or stretching out the class. These small tasks that put me out of my comfort zone may seem useless at first, but they do actually help in the long run. When you do something you are not used to, they give you confidence and make it less scary when you do it

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