Essay About Human Trafficking

772 Words2 Pages

What is human trafficking? Human trafficking is when someone

under eighteen is asked to perform a commercial sex act or when a minor

or adult is forced to do labor or when an adult is forced to perform a sex

act(Other Industries). Generally, it is thought of as one person selling

another. There are two main forms of human trafficking, sex acts and

labor. Do North Carolina citizens need to be concerned about human

trafficking or should they leave it to the FBI?

When the person is forced into doing a sex act, forced to doing work,

by force, fraud, or coercion when it becomes trafficking. Force is physical,

fraud is lies or withholding wages, coercion is threats, and manipulation

some human traffickers have more than one person as their victim; they

may even have them live in camps all together. While you should be able

to have people to do stuff for you or be able to spank your child, there is

a point of pushing it beyond what is moral or legal and it becomes human

trafficking. Being abused in anyway whether it be sexual abuse or physical

hitting abuse is horrible and there is too much of it in today's society.

Dependable people would try to help stop these horrible people abusing


The sexual branch of human trafficking is probably the worst. Often,

it is when children under the age of 18 get sold to do sexual things with

their new owner. Imagine your parents selling you one day to some man or

woman you don't even know, and they take you are rape you. You are left

wondering what you even did to deserve it. Some would argue, the point

of view that parents can do what they want with their children, but these

are innocent children that are mostly 13-14 years of age getting rape...

... middle of paper ...


Violence). Most importantly, God commands us to love our neighbor

Matthew 22:36-40.

Don't waste another moment! Help stop human trafficking today. Stop

the horrific sexual human trafficking of the under age girls, the adults

having to do labor work in the field or in the house for the trafficker, and

especially the 13-14 year old girls being abused. Surely, you want to help

the thousands of girls sold into trafficking everyday. Most importantly, help

the sweet innocent girls that are getting sold into have sexual relations

with men. It's now or never, call a human trafficking hot line today and start

standing up to human traffickers. Thankfully, there are many ways you

can. Call National Hotline 888-373-7888 and 911 if you see someone you

think is being forced or coerced sexually or otherwise. You never know

when you might save their life.

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