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Atticus is not only a defender of justice for Maycomb and a symbol of change; he is also a kind and influential father to his children, making them progress in a positive way to have a successful future. In Maycomb country is known throughout countless neighborhoods for his intelligence, discipline and bravery. Many of which that know Atticus have respect for him and usually look at him as a great teacher. Through his life lessons and his strong parenting style, Atticus is an ideal role model because he educates Jem and Scout with strong advice with valuable lessons, gives them the freedom to discover things about the world around them independently and as well as a discipline citizen.

Atticus Finch presents his children with the appropriate education they should receive. This ties into him teaching his kids, Jem and Scout a variety of concepts that relate to being a good citizen and learning the right morals. Along the course of their young years, this has been one of the main maturity reasons of Jem and Scout. During the story, Atticus teaches his children a very valuable lessons to treat people fairly and avoid any prejudices that exists within the down. To emphasize this idea, he had stated “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around it.” (Lee, 30). This allows them to choose their friends due to the personality, alongside, he wants to make sure his children realizes this is the correct way to live. Atticus also tries to explain it in simplified ways to his younger child scout, and throughout the novel, Scout tries to follow Atticus`s advice. For example near the finish of the novel when she comprehends Boo Radley`s perspective on the...

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...ot start any feud with Mr. Ewell, as he just took it in and accepted it. This was another quote mentioned by Harper Lee in which Atticus said. Lastly, Atticus can be shown as a good citizen as well as a role model to his kids because of how he stood up for the truth during the case of Tom Robinson. In the book, Miss Maudie says that “Atticus is the same in his house as he is on the public streets”. (Lee, 61). He spoke for the truth as he treats Tom Robinson like he would treat a man of any other skin colour. His children were taught to believe in themselves no matter what happens and to never give up. With Harper Lee having Atticus say these inspiring quotes, it shows that he is a person that is fulfilled with self-confidence and is determined to do anything he wishes to in a positive manner. Being the father of Jem and Scout, he is good role model to look up to.

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