Epithelia Essay

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Epithelia tissue : Epithelial tissue, the type of tissue that lines the surfaces and cavities of your body 's organs, epithelia may be composed of several layers of cells called compound epithelia or just a single layer known as simple epithelia.
Types of epithelia tissue include the simple epithelia and the compound epithelia:

Simple epithelia: Epithelia tissue can have cell shapes these are the Columnar, Cuboidal, and Squamous Cell Shapes. All this cells shapes are part of a type of an epithelia tissue which is the simple Epithelia. There are columnar cells, which means column-like cells and squamous cells, which are flattened and scale-like cells, simple squamous epithelia is found in walls of lung alveoli, blood capillaries and bowman’s …show more content…

There is Keratinized and non keratinized the difference between the two is that keratinized covers the dry areas of the skin where as non keratinized covers moist areas such as the larynx, vagina.

Muscles need food and oxygen in order to work properly so if they are working hard but have not got enough food or oxygen then it causes pain and cramps.
The strongest muscle is the ones on the side of your mouth that help you bite and chew food.

Cardiac Muscle the heart is made of a muscle called the cardiac muscle unlike other muscles in the body the cardiac muscle never gets tiered its constantly working and never stops. It squeezes blood out of the heart and then relaxes it to fill it back with blood again in and this process continues and happens everyday until you are dead. The heart beats non stop this is achieved because of the cardiac Muscle.

The cells of a cardiac muscle are shaped and wider and shorted than a skeletal muscle however they are stripped like skeletal

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