Epigraph In The Book: Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer

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The epigraph is a small phrase or quotation at the opening of a chapter or document. The function of epigraph is to direct the thinking process of the reader in accordance with the intentions of the author. Generally, epigraphs summarise the content that follows it. Use of epigraph is a very interesting way to steer the reader’s line of thoughts and they can “really brush up a story very well” (“Epigraph”). Although the epigraphs are used at the start of the context, they serve the purpose of take-away or the lesson learned from that particular chapter. It makes it easy to get the gist of the content and also to remember the flow of the narrative.
The book written by Jon Krakauer in 1996, Into the Wild, has a brilliant use of epigraphs at the beginning of each of its chapters. The book narrates the final years of protagonist Chris McCandless. A graduate from Emory University, McCandless donates …show more content…

He ventures into merciless terrain of Alaska and unfortunately, as he was not adequately prepared for the life in …show more content…

Therefore, it is of paramount importance to know when to draw the line while using epigraphs to keep them a simple peek into the content and becoming spoiler. The powerful use of the author’s own quotes or works of other authors give ease in understanding the inlaid theme of the narration. Krakauer’s careful selection of epigraphs is an interesting example of precise use of quotes and excerpts to kindle the reader’s passion to go ahead and read more. Along with expert narration and prowess to communicate with his readers, the imbibing of epigraphs has brought the intricacy in Krakauer’s Into the Wild and made it a literary

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