Environmental Product View Of Human Nature Essay

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There is an infinite number of theories regarding human nature. Each of these theories looks at human nature differently through: learning, power, physical traits etc. of humans. This paper will examine and defend the environmental product view of human nature. The environmental product view is focused on behaviorism, which stems from empiricism. Empiricism is defined by Britannica as the view in which all concepts originate from experiences and are related to things that can be experienced. The environmental product view states that individuals are solely products of their environment and any behaviors they produce are strictly caused by the environment they were exposed to. For example, the concept of gender can be explained by behaviorism. According to the environmental product view, gender is different from the biological concept of sex. Gender is a social construct, in which individuals are placed into rules defined by being male or female, even before birth. Typically, this is shown by assigning blue to boys, and pink to girls when they are born.
The environmental product view, explores the nurture aspect of the nature vs. nurture debate. John Locke stated that humans are born with a blank slate and every behavior is learned. The focus …show more content…

Skinner believed humans were flexible and could learn anything through conditioning. Skinner stated that the environment controlled human behavior thus, believing humans did not have the capacity for free will. Skinner also believed individuals can be manipulated by the environment to change behaviors. This can be seen in the United States criminal justice system, regarding punishments. Prisons and jails can “retrain” individuals to “go on the right path again”. This is a vital part of Skinner’s operant behavior

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