Enter Here 15 Eugenics Research Paper

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Enter here 11Every four and a half minute a baby is born with a birth defect. Birth defects are structural changes present at birth and can affect nearly any part of the baby’s body. How harm fall a birth defect is often is determined by what part of the body is affected. The life span of the child can be effected determined by what part of the baby was affected. They can occur as bodily changes and as internal damages. They can happen at any time of the pregnancy but occur most often in the first three months as the babies organs are forming. The causes for many birth defects are unknown, but if someone else in the family was born with them then there is a higher risk. As genetics have been linked to some birth defects. Having the ability …show more content…

It has been seen in the past in selective breeding, which is when someone cross breeds two species of animals or plants to get a stronger breed. This is will good intention to try and make things better and stronger. There is often a negative side effect when someone tries to incorporate Eugenics with the human race. What happens is that it often become a race based genocide. It was Hitler’s goal to make a supreme race among men. This led him and the Nazis to kill millions of innocent Jews. Hitler was not the only one to commit genocide attempting to make a superior race similar genocides have taken place in Armenian, Cambodia, and the Balkans. These were all violent and deadly attempts to make a stronger and better population. These are obviously unethical and immoral acts committed by man. It once again comes down to, it there are any application for which this that can be used in an ethical manor. It can be as long as it is making everyone stronger and not using any ethnic or racial biases when in …show more content…

Genetic engineering has other possible implications for humans other that solving illness or trying to make a stronger human being. Christians must look at the values that the bible teaches and use them to guild them to what is right. The bible clearly states that you should not kill another so using Eugenics in a race manor and eliminating a certain race would clearly be unethical. There are other morals that the bible sets for Christians that can help christen scientist when the work with these controversial topics. They sometimes use embryos from abortions. This can be hard to do for christens, that believes that abortions are wrong. This is why some have attempted to find a way to use other cells and get the same results from them. Fortunately there is some promise from research, however they are still far away from being in laboratories as they need to learn more about the new technique. With the advance of technology scientist can learn how to help society in an ethical manor. They have to be care not to pass the line with curiosity and go beyond what is

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