Enormous Wings Cruelty

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Society's Cruelty to the Unknown “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings,” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, is a short story that displays the theme of cruelty and compassion. The story consists of a small town of people who eventually encounter an old man with enormous wings, which little they know that he would be a heavenly creature of God himself. The old man is found by a man by the name of Pelayo, who is a poor villager, but is willing to shelter the old man, but not because of his “good heart”, but only because it will benefit him towards the end. The old man had wings like an angel, but his appearance and language was far from what an angels may be, but he was full of pure innocence just like an angel may be. According to the people in the story, …show more content…

The cruelty begins once the people begin to pull out some of his remaining feathers to “touch their defective parts” (405). Without permission, the towns people have the nerve to take from the old man with no remorse once so ever, and they simply do it for their own entertainment. Along with taking from the old man, someone decides to burn him with an iron for branding steers, because they thought that maybe he was dead. Stones begin to be thrown at the old man in attempt to get a rise out of him. ”…to get him to rise so they could see him standing” (402). The townspeople show no kindness or remorse towards the old man as it clearly shows he is getting worse by each second they continue onto torturing him. It is safe to say that the cruelty that the old man experiences is more emotionally painful than physical, and that the townspeople just care about themselves. Pelayo and Elisenda do not want the old man inside once so ever, and even after the chicken coop is torn down they still do not want him inside. The lady of the house exclaims that “it was awful living in that hell full of angels” (405). Selfishness is what is being protrayed her by not only the towns people, but by Pelayo and Elisenda as well. The cruelty that is used on the old man just to entertain the people is what displays how selfish people really can be. Pelayo and Elisenda never once consider how awful it may feel to be in the old man's position, instead they grow more hungry for the money they are recieving because of him. Is cruelty and selfishness human nature or is it something that is built upon us by our

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