Enlightenment Essay

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What is Enlightenment? The Enlightenment literally means “time of illumination". It is commonly used to denote the Age of Enlightenment, "mankind's final coming of age, the emancipation of the human consciousness from an immature state of ignorance and error." The era was given this name, because it was a time when a group of influential scholars, writers, artists, and scientists actively sought to use the ability of reasoning. A primary cause of the enlightenment period was the scientific revolution. The scientific revolution was the advance in physics, mathematics, and human anatomy. It caused a shift in views towards nature and society, and introduced new ideas and theories. The scientific method was applied in order to discover the laws of nature, and new inventions such as the microscope and the thermometer were created. Also, the properties of gravity and electricity were discovered. During this period in history, things like superstition and religion were replaced with questions and reason. Some notable developments during the scientific revolution include Copernicus’ advance in the heliocentric theory, or the theory that all planets revolved around the sun, Galileo’s invention of the telescope, and Descartes’ use of the scientific method. The Enlightenment revolved around 4 main principles. One was the natural rights of individuals. The next was the existence of natural laws (physics). Another principle was the power of autonomous reason, and the last principle was the idea of progressive improvement. According to Immanuel Kant, a well-known German Philosopher, the Enlightenment was man’s release from “self-incurred tutelage.” The Age of Reason was a period in Europe that occurred between the 17th century and 18th centurie... ... middle of paper ... ...stemmed from its continuing development. It has had a tremendous impact on the development of Christianity and Catholicism, the arts and culture. It led to an advance in the teaching of the Catholic Church, applied autonomous thought and reasoning to solve problems, promoted independence, and created a more rigid social hierarchy. It introduced a new way of thinking, and brought about a shift in views towards nature and society. Because of the Enlightenment, there are no longer kings and queens, and we are not ruled by dictators. The most influential representative of the Enlightenment was Voltaire. His philosophy strongly advocated absolute monarchy, and he was a strong supporter of freedom of expression and religious freedom. The Enlightenment also played a large role in the development of music and art following the renaissance, and new styles of art were created.

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