Enhancing Reading Interest In Children From Birth To The Elementary Level

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Enhancing Reading Interest in Children from Birth to the Elementary Level
Reading skills are equally important as compared to any other skills, which a person should develop. The reading skills in the case here needs to be developed from adolescence, which gradually enhances throughout the life. Reading and learning are closely connected to each with the interface being the interpretation. It is a general fact that our brain grasps things for a longer time if it can interpret what is being read (Sanjay, 2011).
The degree of reading skills pertaining to a person determines the learning capability as it is a skill to make the interpretation faster. Decoding, fluency, vocabulary building etc. are developed by reading. Reading skills are required …show more content…

• Inactive involvement of parents and family members in learning the process.
Avoiding the above factors would eventually end up in enhancing the reading skills in children. Besides, there are some other implications which can be done to enhance the reading skills in children of different age groups.
It is a proven fact that children ageing between 3 to 6 years are open to learning in different contexts. This gives a further implication that if children are made to read during age period, they would adopt it and continue the practice throughout their life. For this to happen, it is totally dependent on the parents to get their child read more and more during this age period. Reading out books to children is another great way to enhance the reading skills, this would develop the interest of the child for books and reading; which is quite a necessity for achieving a good level of reading skills (Armbruster, B. B., 2010).
There is also a specific technique called ‘Speech therapy’. In this process, parents or any counsellor diagnoses the problem with the child. This is done in severe cases, where there can be a possible mental disease (Chow, B. W. Y., McBride-Chang, C., Cheung, H., & Chow, C. S. L., 2008). However, this technique can also be used in a generalized manner, where parents can ask their child about the problem he/she is having in understanding the words, focusing or any other problem that they can

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