Energy Flows in Our Daily Life

797 Words2 Pages

Energy is a kind of quantitative properties that exist in the earth describing ecosystem or object state. Energy can be transformed among a number of forms that may each manifest and be measurable in differing ways (Wikipedia2013). Energy existed in the ecosystem with different form. Meanwhile, it does not cycle through ecosystems but instead enters ecosystems and is used up within ecosystems (InstaEDU 2013). Also, energy flow is the process by which energy moves throughout an ecosystem and energy existed in difference energy flows in ecosystem such as biological, chemical and physical. The purpose of this essay is to describe and explain different energy flows in our daily life and how these energy flows vital to human.

Main paragraph:
Ecosystems maintain themselves by cycling energy and energy flow begins with the sun. Organisms known as producers which were plants used sun light to create their own energy. This energy production is called photosynthesis. Plant converted solar energy into chemical energy which is starch by leaves and transport to different organ in the plant to support their growth.

In turn, other organisms eat plants for energy. These organisms are animals called primary consumers. When a primary consumer for example a cow eats a plant, the energy is transferred from plant to animal, just like it was transferred from sun to plant. Then, organisms that feed at several trophic levels are classified at the highest of the trophic levels at which they feed and this organism is called human.
The energy flow in the food chain can be concluded as solar energy converted to chemical energy to heat energy and finally heat lost at one trophic level to the next trophic level. On average about 10 per cent o...

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... at times when demand is high and a heavy load is placed on the system. Beside pumped storage, the most common generator to produced hydroelectricity is a hydroelectric dam, the turbine inside can converted the kinetic energy of falling water or flowing water into electricity and the electricity transfer to the nearly city by electrical wire for the supply of human activities.

For the conclusion, human cannot live without energy. In daily life, we need to feed on the food to intake energy for body homeostasis. Also, we are using electrical energy every moment. Business, science research, agriculture, entertainment, even the device in our home for example light bulb, mobile phone, television or fridge, everything needed electricity to support. We are living with different kind of energy flow and we need them all the life as it is vital to our daily life.

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