Energy Flow through an Ecosystem

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Energy Flow through an Ecosystem

When you stop to think about the earth we live on, you begin to realize how much of it we take for granted. The planet earth is teaming with millions of living organisms and countless mountain tops. This way of thinking could also lead you to ask the questions, “Where did our major source of energy come from?” To answer the questions, most living things depend on the sun as their ultimate energy source. Let me elaborate on that point more, what we have going on, on earth is more or less a system. A system is defined as a network of independent components and processes, with materials and energy flowing from one component of the system to another (McGraw-Hill, 2013). When describing how most living things on earth use the sun as their ultimate source of energy the following things are factored; Photosynthesis, herbivory, predation, and decomposition. Separate, it seems as though they have nothing to do with each other, but when you put them together it makes it clear how these factors are most living things sourc...

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