Ender’s Game In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s the central government of china created the one-child policy, the purpose of the one-child policy was to limit the great majority of family units in the country to one child each. Throughout the book Ender’s Game, they had a policy similar to the china policy that the central government had created. In the book the standards of having a third child was greatly discouraged and frowned upon. When Ender was 6 years old, he was separated from his loving sister Valentine and his Terrifying brother Peter and brought to battle school. Arriving at battle school, Ender quickly and easily masters increasingly difficult challenges. Ender is trained by Mazer Rackham to lead his fellow soldiers …show more content…
into an epic battle that will determine the future of the earth and save the human race. Therefore, the novel Ender’s Game was better than the movie because there was a stronger plot in the novel than in the movie. Secondly, the novel had many more characters talked about and lastly the novel went into greater detail than it did in the film. The book Ender’s Game had many crucial elements happen in the story, the first major element that took place was Ender’s decision to go to battle school.
The second major element that took place was when Ender starts to make independent choices and decisions that overrule his battle school commander. The last major event that took place in the novel Ender’s Game was when Ender is convinced to go into training to fight the Buggers to help keep humanity alive in the world. Enders decision to go to battle school was because he wants to be safe, mostly because he wants to keep his sister valentine safe and also because that was his role as a “third” child in the society. Ender says, “ I am trapped here, Ender thought, trapped at the End of the world with no way out.” (Scott Card, p.141). This hints Ender’s feeling towards his lack of control of his own life, but also he fears that at the end he will run out of ideas and not be able to win the battle. When Ender starts to make his own decisions that overrule his commander; Ender becomes the leader of his own army group. His success is resented by others and he continues to win battles. Ender says “In the very moment when i truly understand my enemy, understand him very well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment i also love him. I think it’s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves.” (Scott Card, p.238. In this quote ender is explaining what happens to him when he fights. This quote also foreshadows event that took place with the bugger. Lastly the last major event was when Ender graduates and tried to leave the military behind; and is convinced to go into training to fight the buggers to help keep humanity alive. Ender says, “ I didn’t want to kill them all. i didn’t want to kill anybody! I’m not a killer! you didn’t want me , you bastards, you wanted peter, but you made me do it, you tricked me into it” (Scott Card, p.321). In
this quote Ender is upset over being manipulated into doing something he did not want to do. Ender is not malicious, like his brother peter and when bad things happen like death they really affect him. The novel and the film Ender’s Game have many similarities and differences. starting off with similarities, the movie and the novel share many similarities like having the same theme, having the same characters and lastly having the same plot. The Story and the movie share the same theme which is great for the movie and the novel to have the same theme. If the theme in the movie were to be changed it wouldn’t be the same as the book and it wouldn’t make any sense. The movie and the novel share the same characters, which is a good thing because if the characters were to be different inthe movie from the book then it wouldn’t make any sense if you were to go read the book and then watch the movie.so having the same characters is very important for the novel and the film. The movie and the film shared the same plot, everything happened in the order that it did in the book. Some of the information in the book wasn't put in the movie but it was very similar. In the movie and film Ender’s Game, there were many differences like the age of the characters, not all characters were mentioned and shown ,some of the details in the book weren’t showed in the film. first off regarding the age of character, in the movie no age is mentioned. The age of the characters was given in the novel but the age isn’t used to define a character's limits of ability to do something. In the film Ender looks to be between ten and twelve years old, his exact age isn't mentioned in the film. secondly, in the movie not all characters were shown or talked about like they were talked about in the story. In the movie they only showed peter and valentine in the beginning of the movie and they didn’t show anything else that had to do with them throughout the movie. Lastly, not everything that was mentioned in the book was shown in the movie. This weakened the movie because it had missed out on a lot of scenes that they could've added in the movie. If they were to add every detail in the movie that was in the book then it would've been a better movie but, the fact that there were a lot of scenes missing in the movie the book was better. The novel was better than the movie Ender’s Game because there was a stronger plot in the novel, many more characters were mentioned in the book than in the movie and lastly the book went into greater detail than it did in the movie. The movie hadn’t got in great detail like how it did in the novel. If the movie had got in great detail and had a lot of detail both the movie and the novel would be really good. Everyone has different likes so some people might like the movie better and others might like the novel better, it’s your preference on what you like better.
Before Ender got picked to fight the buggers he was just a normal boy he went to school like every other kid, one day he got put in a test and if he passed he would go to battle school in space, Ender eventually passed the test and he had a military personnel come to his door and tell his parents that he passed the test and is going to battle school.
In Orson Scott Card’s novel, Enders Game, at the age of six, Ender is chosen by Colonel Graff and the International Fleet to help save mankind from the buggers. However, through his journey, he experiences manipulation and deception from significant figures that surround his life. This deceit from Colonel Graff, Valentine, and Mazor Rackham is focused on defeating the buggers in the Third Invasion.
Ender is selected to go to Battle School in space because of the actions he has displayed against a bully after a device known as a monitor, which allows the leaders of the I.F. to watch and hear everything Ender perceives. Although Ender’s conception was predetermined (in this time period, families are only allowed to have two children unless stated by the government which is why Ender is often called a “Third”), he had to display the correct characteristics to be selected. Ender’s siblings, Peter and Valentine also wore the monitor, but neither wore it as long nor was selected because Peter was too cruel and Valentine was too mild. Once Ender arrives, he makes a couple new friends from the other selected children, including a boy named Alai. When Ender is alone, he plays a mind game and progresses farther than anyone has before so out of the blue, Ender becomes promoted to a group called Salamander Army, where he befriends the only girl, Petra Arkanian, at Battle School. As Ender continues to display his brilliance, he is continuously being promot...
They wanted Ender to see that it was a game because this would insure that the humans would be victorious over the buggers. Because of this, Ender has suffered a great ordeal of losses in everything such as life, love, family, and friendship. At this point of my explanation, we can clearly see that Ender does suffice enough to be a Christ Figure because he began his journey with a full heart and now he is ending his journey with nothing left but a new world to live in with Valentine, while trying to find a safe place for the Queen Bugger to live. This is his last and most important mission of all. It looks like as if Ender is beginning a whole new journey. Truth be told, Ender is done, but he has that final step to go before he can call out to home and finally live the rest of days free of
Leading up to that he faces enemies and obstacles in the form of bigger kids and the games that he wins thoroughly, to the point where he cannot be beat. He always is one set ahead of whatever is thrown at him. Until Ender finds the Bugger Queen pupa.” Reached into the cavity and took out the cocoon.” (Card 321) Here in this scene Ender is going against what we have come to see as part of who he is. He has the intent to allow the Buggers to rebuild and try to live along side of humans. Normally he destroys something so thoroughly that it can never hurt him or the people he is fighting for again. This is perhaps one of the very best examples of the theme that one’s past does not define them or their
Ender’s game is a science fiction novel written by Orson Scott card it was published in 1985. This book is in the future when in the story earth has been invaded by an alien race and is almost destroyed by the invasion but wins the battle and to prevent earth from being destroyed if they return they create the International fleet which recruits kids an teaches them to be commanders. The chapter that I am going to analyze is chapter one which is called Third. This chapter shows how Ender is being manipulated since the start and how he has to deal with being different by being a third.
After years of being monitored by government officials, Ender Wiggins, the main character of Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game, finds himself completely alone. The loneliness set's in as he finds himself in a new school, away from the watchful eyes of the government and bared to the world. He is a Third. This feeling of being a third makes Ender feel even more isolated, "It was not his fault he was a Third. It was the government's idea, they were the ones who authorized it - how else could a Third like Ender have got into school?" (Card 5). There was no one there to keep the bullies away now. Although he never really liked the monitor, he now found himself alone and missing the advent ages of having it on and knowing that someone, somewhere was always with him and watching him. At battle school, Ender knows that he will be isolated from the other students. Colonel Graff tells the other students of Ender and how superior his talents and intelligence is compared to the rest of the group. The other students don't like Ender and don't trust him. Throughout battle school, Ender is kept from his family and isolated from other children.
Therefore, Ender shows the reader that he takes responsibility as an adult for just waking up early and on time for his battles. Therefor, Ender taking that responsibility must be hard since he's just a kid and has to be responsible for
Throughout the novel, Ender gradually begins to realize that he is not so different from his brother Peter. Ender grew up being punished and beaten up just for being a third who was smarter than Peter. This explains why Ender wants nothing to do with him when he leaves home. The mind game periodically reminds Ender that he is not completely different from him through certain levels. On the first obstacle that proved difficult, he brutally
After much internal debate Ender decides to go to battle school and leave home. He knows he won’t see his family until he is at least 12 but most likely he will have to wait until he is 16. When Ender is inside the ship on the way to battle school, the adults start their manipulation game. Graff calls out Ender as the only one who will save mankind, making the other kids hate Ender and become envious. Ender already lost the chance at having a normal childhood when he was born a third, but he was also considered to be the chosen one to save mankind from the very beginning. The manipulation of Ender is shown through the book and the children at the school either take part in his abuse or ignore the adults who cause it. Through this abusive training tactic Ender becomes the skilled fighter and leader the government wants. Ender gets moved through the program fast. He gets to the command school at age 9, a school no one can go to until they are sixteen. The adults tell him he will be doing simulations to practice the attacks on the buggers, but after the last simulation he finds out he killed the entire bugger species. The novel shows Ender to be morally innocent throughout his story, but he takes on the guilt of xenocide of the buggers. He is shocked at what he did, even when he didn’t know what he’s doing. Ender loses his innocence at this moment. He knew he was being manipulated by the adults throughout his career at the battle schools, but he had no idea he was being manipulated into exterminating a whole race. When he realizes what he did he goes into another depression slump and does not come out of his room for days. He doesn’t understand why he was manipulated into what he
...is enemy, he became the most ruthless and yet most compassionate commander the world has ever seen in all the wars the human race has withstood. Above all, however, isolation is the tool that made all the attributes transparent and viable to Ender and to the I.F. Beyond the war, Ender became more than just a tool to be used; he became a savior. A savior of not only one, but two different races bent on destroying each other. Ender became the very definition of Hope.
In the story “Ender's Game” many interesting actions and events happen. From wars to death, to games, that are not games anymore. This story is about a young boy that lives in a world that is constantly under attack from extraterrestrials called the Buggers. In the beginning, Ender is just a young boy constantly controlled and watched by the government (The IF). In the middle, he is taken to battle school and there the people realize that he is the best person for the job and will lead the human race to victory over the Buggers. Lastly, the IF puts Ender and his group together to beat the buggers in a final war. The book “Ender’s Game” written by Orson Scott Card is a fun and exciting science fiction book that leaves the reader at the edge of its seat. The symbolism and hidden messages in the book make the reader connect to the story. The title, the characters, and the setting all have something more to bring to the table and change
Ender Wiggin has been isolated throughout his life from the students at his school on earth, the students at the Battle School and also the teachers in each school. Ender’s peers have always thought he was different since the day he was born. Excluding him, bullying him because he was the “Third Child”, isolating him and making him feel all alone, surrounding him with enemies. An example of this is when Ender thinks “They might even hit him now-- no one could see anymore, and so no one would come to Ender's rescue.” (Card, 5) Ender knew that the government was his only form of protection and would no longer be there to scare off his bullies. Ender was once again surrounded with fear and isolation, fear because there would be no one to watch over him anymore and isolation because he was going to have no one to fall back on; he was all alone once again. The teachers that he had thought he could trust only turned out to betray him. Using him for their ow...
The novel Ender’s Game is written by Orson Schott Card. It is about a young boy who is sent to battle school. He meets friends and makes adversaries. In battle school, out in space, Ender, the young boy is a genius and is taught many tactics to destroy their prime enemy the buggers. He excels in school and battles his way into command school before the required age. There he is told he is battling buggers in simulations or is he? Throughout the novel, Ender is manipulated, bullied, and isolated, which creates many themes and messages. In this novel Ender’s Game the main theme is life is a game. Three characters that best prove this are Ender, Peter, and Bonzo.
· Staged in mainly four places. Ender Wiggins childhood town, where he is monitored as a prospective third. He is sent to Battle School, which is a satellite of the earth. Then he ends up on Eros where he attends command school and eventually defeats the buggers. He spends the rest of his days with Valentine on the first human colonization, approximately 50 light-years away from Earth.