Emily Dickinson We Grow Accustomed To The Dark Analysis

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Are You Blind or Just Walking with Your Eyes Closed?

Have you ever been “blind”? I have. No I wasn’t technically sight blind, but I was blind in a sense that I didn’t know where I was going and what I was going to do. As Emily Dickinson writes, she talks about her experiences on being “blind”. Writing poems of how being “blind” is a universal theme and that everyone gets lost in the metaphorical dark from time to time.

In the poem “We Grow Accustomed To The Dark” it mentions about how people take uncertain steps when they are unable to see, this could be taken metaphorically or literally. But when I think of that, I remember of times in my life when I didn’t know which step to take or which way I should go. As the word dark is a word with many different meanings, in these poems I process it as when you are lost/unsure in a particular time in your life. Making small indications from a line of text “We uncertain step for newness of the night.” is a perfect example line for what I see differently than other people. I perceive it as you take an uncertain step not knowing of the benefits or consequences of the actions that are about to be made. …show more content…

Seeing as how I am only a sophomore in high school, I personally believe that I have experienced things that people in their 50’s and 60’s haven’t gone through. I have been lost in the dark, so many times and only able to get a flicker of a light for a short time to immediately go straight back into the darkness. Don’t take that as a bad thing, take it as this teen has a lot of experience for his age and doesn’t completely know how to cope or understand some of his past situations. Comparing the writings to my own life experiences, I believe that Emily Dickinson was right where I was at one point in her

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