Eli Glowered: A Narrative Fiction

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Then 15 minutes into the road trip. We stopped hearing the pounding sound of Colbert banging at the trunk. Therefore Red woke up and looked around. Then questioned us "where are we at?" Therefore quickly without hesitation, I started to beat him down. After red finally got quiet. We went back on track as we were entering Odessa. Eli Glowered "Are you even old enough to drive?!?!" I stated, "I'm old enough to be everyone's father.... so yes junior." Isaiah proclaimed "I'm still soaking from what happened with the toilet." Eli whined, "It stinks in here it's probably David I think he is dead." I specified "He is perfectly fine he just spilled Kool-aid all over him." Cameron asked, "Can we stop at the gas station?" I exclaimed, "We

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