Elentori: My Hero

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To each person the word “hero” has a different connotation. Some people think of a superhero, someone who protects the innocent with great powers. Others think of the half gods of greek mythology, who go on great quests and perform great feats of bravery. To me a hero is someone I look up to and inspires me. I think a hero is a person who does what they enjoy, and uses that to help others. Someone I view as a hero is Elentori. Elentori is an self-taught artist on tumblr who inspired me to be an artist. She is a huge inspiration to me and someone I look up to.

When I first saw Elentori’s art I never drew because I saw so many people that were so much better than me, and I thought I would never be that good so I didn’t see a point in trying.

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