Electronic Cigarette Research Paper

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The electronic cigarette is an electronic device that can come in the form of a traditional cigarette, or in other forms that do not resemble a traditional cigarette at all. Other forms of the electronic cigarette are electronic pipes, and electronic cigars, there is a vast market out there now. There are generally three different components that electronic cigarettes are made of. The cartridge of the electronic cigarette is the mouthpiece and it also holds the liquid that contains the nicotine and flavoring. Next we have the atomizer; the atomizer is a small heating element that is responsible for turning the liquid into vapor. Finally we have the power supply or in other words the battery; this brings everything together and lets the entire …show more content…

It is very hard to smoke anywhere nowadays without being subject to tons of criticism or bad looks. People struggle to quit smoking cigarettes because it becomes a thing to do on a regular basis, more like an addiction which they cannot stop doing. The electronic cigarette has a much better taste, still feels like a cigarette, and physically it is still doing the same motion as smoking a real cigarette. People also like the fact that they do not have clothes that smell like smoke afterwards and they can smoke it indoors if it is really cold out because there is no combustion therefore there is no smoke. Now this might sound a little lazy but it is very nice to be able to smoke the electronic cigarette anywhere, and think that is one of the reasons why it is such a successful tool to help smokers quit smoking. If smokers can smoke anywhere, it allows them to do that and get their mind off cigarettes as soon as possible so they can get back to what they usually do. The electronic cigarette lets smokers have the freedom to smoke anywhere they want because the cloud of smoke they see is actually vapor. The society have to understand that young kids can easily get addicted to cigarettes because their brains are not yet fully developed. Manufacturers don't call it "quitting smoking" but "switching" from cigarettes to e-cigarettes. Despite anecdotal evidence that e-cigs may help smokers quit, many antismoking advocates fear that what they're really doing is undoing the progress that's been made over the last half-century (“Radoing” par

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